Tuesday 18 October 2011

Hi all

been a while since I posted here.

Thought I would post this here rather than facebook, or twitter (even though I don't have one) etc. To be honest, I've been feeling a bit crap.

I'm fairly useless at writing down how I truly feel as I always seem to mess it up, and there is always someone who could write it a lot more eloquently than myself.

In this case it's Gotthard, a soft rock group which was fronted by a man named Steve Lee, who unfortunately was killed last year in a freak accident.

The song is "And then Goodbye" and it's basically mapped out the last 4 years of my life...But you know what, I don't regret a single moment of them. Except the ones where I was a true idiot.




Monday 3 October 2011


coping, but not too well.