Monday 25 March 2013

Where to begin??

Where to begin....

I used to be quite the handsome chappy. Average build with some muscle definition, good teeth, great hair & the bluest eyes on a 17 year old. Then shit got real & I just got depressed. Nothing too bad like threatening my own life or anything like that, but motivation left me..... I wasn't in a happy job or relationship, so I just gave in.

And you know what, I was comfortable with that.

I was comfortable being lazy, slobbish, over-weight and unfit. Because I was open & myself.

Now, I'm on a long journey, which started off as a small cliff face, levelling out to a gentle slope before *BAM!!!!* Brick wall. Now, I'm the kind of guy who can stare at a brick wall for hours trying to figure out how to get over it or look for a gate through it. But this one stretches beyond the horizons to my left and right. I can see the sun before midday, but after that it's eclipsed by the wall.

I had reached my point of no progress.

Until now....
I have a small crowd of supporters that help me out. They yell encouragement when I climb & offer condolences when I fall What I really need is a belay team, to help me continue even when I fall.
And I know that'll happen soon

I've got goals that need to be met. Who wants to help me?