Monday 18 February 2013

Well.... That escalated quickly

Greetings, you lovely minions.

So, as most of you are aware (and if you're not, just scroll back through time... it's amazing) I've been feeling a tad down in the dumps lately.

Although if you were to look at me, you wouldn't see it.

Anyways, back onto the right subject now :-) The impossible has happened... I have a girlfriend. Now, I know what you're thinking and it's along the lines of "Big-whoop ¬_¬" But for me, this is a huge deal as I had pretty much resigned myself to singledom for the foreseeable future, and then literally out of no-where we got talking.

As far as first dates go, it started off a disaster, with both of us arriving late (although one of us later than the other) the "date-plan" getting chucked out of the window, except for one tiny part, which was to view Birmingham from the Hyatt Hotel... We didn't have a room, we just wandered in and looked out the main windows. But a little food, a little alcohol, and a little metal music and we were both relaxed, smiling and having fun.

Then things went on from there.

Now, I'm not normally one to enjoy receiving a lot of presents for my birthday, or for valentines (Birthday on the 13th, Valentines on the 14th... just too much) but any girlfriend who can get jokey presents such as an inflatable zimmer-frame, a kitchen apron with blow-up-bewbs, a back scratcher (or 'any-body-part-scratcher' for that matter) and a little 'Dick'-y bow tie (guess where it goes... That's right, and for that, you get 5 internet points. Spend 'em wisely) and still find time to come over, let me cook & just relax. That's the sign that things will be good.

And things have not only been good, they've been great.

My dad's hip is getting a lot better, over Christmas I was seeing him going from crutches to sticks, to stick. Going for walks along the shore & just becoming more active & independant. My sisters cancer was removed with no complications, She may have a fairly large scar along her jawline and a hole where the tumour was, but a small price to pay for what could have been something serious. (besides, she's my sister & I love her :-) ) Uni is going well, and I'm making steps to become a paramedic. Just need to convince them that I am worthy enough to be on the course. My enthusiasm is indirectly proportional to my grades.

So, Thank you, so far, 2013. You've treated me better than 2012 ever did.

Peace Out


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